A massive cleanup is urgently needed in New Zealand. We need to clean up the over-sexualisation of our precious children and young people. Home by home, street by street, school by school, town by town, city by city...we are on assignment to clean up this nation.
Here’s what we will clean up:
Defund & Remove Drag Queen Storytimes from our libraries and schools
Remove RSE curriculum in our schools
Ban Puberty Blockers
Defund InsideOUT – the organisation targeting our young with rainbow paraphernalia
Defund & Remove the politicised Rainbow movement’s branding and paraphernalia that is paid for with taxpayer & ratepayers' money trying to rainbow-wash our kids (ie. rainbow crossings and more)
We’ve already started to push back and shut down the Drag Queen storytimes...but we won’t stop there.
We are on a mission to challenge in the NZ courts of law the legality of the following:
Illegal Rainbow Crossings
Use of Taxpayer & Ratepayer funds to promote the politicised rainbow movement
RSE curriculum
Puberty Blockers
Drag Queens in Public Libraries & Schools
This may be a long and lengthy legal fight, but with your financial help, we must together pursue these legal challenges to clean up this country for future generations.
Fund the Legal Fight
These campaign funds will solely go towards funding the legal fees of our expert lawyers, and any court-related costs or fines. These donations are not claimable for taxation purposes due to the political advocacy nature of this campaign.
All funds will be administered by the team from The Freedoms & Rights Coalition.
One time
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