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Apostle Brian Tamaki personally invites all Iwi & Community Leaders to a pan-tribal

Sir Mark Solomon as Hui Convenor

Special Guest Presenters: Hone Harawira, Matthew Tukaki and more


The plight of our people has become a blight on this nation

It breaks our hearts as leaders when we see those we personally know within our own hāpu facing these issues. And despite our best efforts to curb this tide of dysfunction, our people are unfortunately still suffering.  Billions of dollars in money seems to still have had limited impact. The long term effects and consequences of colonisation are still very raw and real amongst our people.  It can be incredibly difficult to heal this inter-generational mamae.


Could it be that Māori are still needing a deeper and more lasting healing to their mamae....a spiritual healing?

We know that inheriently our people are a spiritual people.

Could Iwi Tapu assist with this healing process?

If we are honest with ourselves, many of us know as Māori leaders that things have not been great within Māoridom for some time.  While leaders have fiercely worked to advance our people, and we’ve made good gains in some areas like the widespread advancement of Te Reo Māori, there is sadly still so much more ground to be made.

Daily we hear stories from amongst our Iwi of those suffering due to:

  • Mental Health illnesses

  • Drug and alcohol addictions

  • Family Violence and Family breakdown

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Our Tamariki and Mokopuna being uplifted by Oranga Tamariki

  • Over representation in the criminal and justice system

  • Increasing Prison numbers

  • Homelessness

  • Poverty

  • Serious Health Issues

  • Disadvantaged in Education

  • High Suicide Rates


Underlying all of these issues, many Māori are having to deal with deep heritary problems, proclivatives and patterns of behaviour that are now generational bloodline curses. These can wound the heart and crush the spirit and are the root problems to the many issues above.


Event Details


Friday 4th June 2021 1.30PM


Destiny Church - Te Puna Ōranga o Iwi Tapu

A House of Healing & Hope of the Holy Nation

25 Druces Road, Manukau, Auckland


Please send any enquiries or your RSVP by Friday 21st May 2021


1.30 PM

3.30 PM

3.40 PM

5 PM

7 PM

Pōwhiri, followed by Hui of National Iwi Leaders

Afternoon Tea

Hui Continues


Public meeting and celebrative conclusion to the Hui

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