Human Rights become Human Wrongs when they transgress God's Word!
Sunday 21st July 2024

Trans activists always angrily yell at us...”Trans Rights are Human Rights!”
They are now taking the first steps to change New Zealand’s Human Rights law to prove this true.
Could it soon be illegal to voice your concern about transgender, non-binary or intersex people? Could this soon be discrimination?
In New Zealand, the Law Commission is currently seeking submissions on whether “...the Human Rights Act 1993 should be changed to protect people who are transgender, people who are non-binary and people with innate variations of sex characteristics.”
Submissions close on Thursday 5th September 2024.
I believe Human Rights become Human Wrongs when they transgress God’s Word.
They are attempting to change the law to validate their dysfunction.
God’s Word trumps New Zealand law, no matter what amendments they make to normalise their sexual perversions.
God’s Word is clear. He does not tolerate any forms of sexual perversion. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire due to their sexual perversions.
We will not protect Human Wrongs, that contradict God’s Word.
We will not protect Human Deviancies.
This law review is likely a pre-cursor to Hate Speech law attempts again.
This is moving the chess pieces into place to criminalise any speech that speaks out against transgenders and Co.
This is their ultimate goal to criminalise us, and this will be the doorway for hate speech to come in. They will enact hate speech and hate crimes before we know it.
With Trump likely to secure a win in the USA elections, and his promise on day one back in the White House to clean out gender ideology and remove the trans agenda, you can be sure that many from the Rainbow community in the USA will be tempted to flock to a country like New Zealand.
I’ve already heard rumours that Rainbow Nurses from the USA are applying for visas into NZ. After all, the NZ government actively promotes our country to the world as a “Gay Haven”.
New Zealand’s doors are wide open to mass rainbow immigration, rainbow asylum seekers and rainbow refugees.
Well, not on my watch!
Listen up...New Zealand was founded on Christian values.
Christianity underpinned the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between two peoples.
God’s Word supersedes any other law that activists attempt to bring in.
The Bible played a crucial role in shaping New Zealand’s law. That’s why you have to swear on the Bible when you are in the courtroom. Now they’re doing everything they can to undermine the Bible and its role in NZ law.
Up until 2019, you could even be charged with blasphemous libel in New Zealand if you spoke blasphemy against God’s Word. But Labour made sure they chucked that old piece of law out.
I am taking this issue seriously. How dare they tamper with the Human Rights Act?
You can be sure, I will make a submission to the Law Commission.
Evidence: If you have personal evidence of why trans rights should not become human rights, please email this to me so I can include your feedback in my submission. Email your evidence to
Follow me on X: I will continue to lead a pushback against the trans agenda. The trans radicals are targeting our youth and children, and I say “Not on my watch”.
Get Ready for Action: I will take further action to stop this nonsense. Common Sense over Nonsense! We are just formulating our plans, and soon we’ll need your help.
Not on my watch! I am fighting to protect the next generations.
Human Rights become Human Wrongs when they transgress God’s Word!
I am determined that New Zealand will not be the Gay Haven of the world.