India Controls National, Act, NZFirst
Opinion Piece
23 January 2025
Brian Tamaki

Our politicians have made a deal with the devil.
The deal is Mass Destruction by Mass Immigration.
Luxon needs to learn a lesson from Trump about transparency.
Trump’s transparency and accountability were on full display this week as he signed executive orders in front of the public.
The following is a dire warning to Kiwis across the nation.
Beware of Christopher Luxon’s undercover project…his “India Strategy”.
He hasn’t been upfront with Kiwi voters about his desperation to woo India and their money—at seemingly any cost.
So, Kiwis have little idea of what’s going on behind closed doors.
A recent Indian Weekender article titled “2025: Can Luxon Deliver for Kiwi-Indians” made it clear: Luxon’s anticipated visit to India is:
“a blank canvas,” “offering an opportunity to make meaningful strides,”
but one that “risks alienating a key constituency whose support was instrumental in bringing the National-ACT coalition to power” if he fails to deliver.
Let that sink in—Indians now control National and ACT.
Their votes were critical in shaping our government, and Luxon seems ready to hand them a blank canvas that offers India anything they want.
The question is: Are Indian voters in New Zealand now holding National and ACT to ransom?
Visa concessions for parents have already been a key demand from this group, and Luxon seems ready to bend over backwards to keep them happy—no matter how it impacts Kiwis.
Indians have now got their hands around Luxon’s balls and they’re squeezing.
These guys have got no way out. They’re being forced to loosen up our immigration system.
India have been clear, in an FTA they want NZ to lower the barriers to temporary migration.
Indian companies want to invest into New Zealand, as they see us as an “untapped destination.” They want to own New Zealand!
This isn’t the first time National has pandered to India. Back in 2016, John Key also tried to court India with trade talks, but they went nowhere.
Luxon’s “bullish” approach may look different, but the intent is the same—desperation for economic deals, no matter the cost to Kiwis.
We’re already seeing the effects. A BusinessDesk article highlights how India has overtaken the UK as New Zealand’s largest source of work visas. This isn’t about filling gaps—it’s an immigration flood that’s overtaking Kiwi jobs, housing, and businesses. Indians are outplaying Kiwis at every turn—buying homes, owning businesses, and employing only their own.
Indians already own many small to medium businesses in NZ:
Petrol stations
Restaurants, Cafes, Catering and Takeaways
Retail Stores
IT & Software Companies
Medical Practices, Dental Clinics, Pharmacies
Dairy farming
Trucking, Courier Drivers
They are taking over whole towns and cities. In a small community like Reporoa, all of the shops are owned by Indians.
Indian businesses and companies only employ their own.
As more and more Indians flood in, Kiwis will be increasingly homeless and jobless.
Luxon is travelling to India soon, and this visit is an open invitation to compound this rapid “Indian Invasion.” His desperation for an FTA with India isn’t about long-term benefits; it’s about selling out the Kiwi way of life for short-term gains.
New Zealand needs leaders who stand for Kiwis—not foreign interests. Luxon and National’s reckless strategy is not about growing New Zealand; it’s about trading away our future.
It’s time to ask: Who is Luxon really working for? Because it’s clearly not Kiwis.
I don’t want my grandchildren & great-grandchildren becoming refugees or tourists in their own country. Unless we stop the Indian Invasion, NZ is going to be stuffed in six months.
Luxon & Seymour love mass immigration and are blind to the consequences of selling our New Zealand’s identity. They believe those who have just stepped off the plane should have the same rights as Kiwis born and bred here.
Winston’s silence on this mass immigration issue is cowardly. NZ First has abandoned their past stance on immigration. He is now advocating for a stronger relationship with India too, even visiting India in March 2024. Winston Peters has made a fatal mistake here. It’s now Winston First, not NZ First, in his desperation to be in power.
Indians are flooding our streets in our main centres with their parades and protests. Last week, there was a massive Sikh Parade in Tauranga. Recently, Khalistan Sikhs held a massive protest and referendum at Aotea Centre, Auckland.
We are not measuring the effect of so many Indians in New Zealand.
Immigrants are like Parasites, who eat up their host.
They undertake Host annihilation from the inside out, they will eat up all of our resources.
India is not interested in our dairy export in a potential FTA Luxon is holding up ‘education’ as the cash cow. Under pressure, Luxon is going to sell out our education.
Now it makes sense as to why MP Erica Stanford holds both the Education & Immigration portfolios...I’d always thought that was a strange combination.
Our Minister of Trade, Todd McClay has visited India more than any other MP, in just 12 months.
In contrast, Trump is deporting illegal immigrants at a record pace, and India has offered to take back 18,000 Indians. India better not even think about forwarding these ones to New Zealand.
Luxon needs to immediately cancel his trip to India, he needs to bin his ‘India Strategy” or the nation will be in an uproar.
We have had enough of Luxon selling out this country!