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Writer's picture: Apostle TamakiApostle Tamaki



26th August 2021

BREAKING NEWS – NZ GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR FIJI’S COVID CARNAGE To highlight this government’s incompetence, (and this has been mostly kept hush-hush by the Ministry of Health), it is alarming to find out about the case of the Fijian-Indian man who used his wealth to pay himself out early from one of the quarantine facilities here in Auckland, to go back to Fiji where he caused the deadly breakout of cases in Fiji that they are now battling, killing approximately 30 people a day. Due to their incompetent actions, the New Zealand Government is responsible for annihilating mass numbers of Fijians.

Well folks you can put this recent Covid-19 Delta variant breakout in New Zealand down to pure irresponsible incompetence from PM Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, and Ashley Bloomfield, that all stems from the deep ideological position that Jacinda ruthlessly holds.

The ideological position is she is a Globalist and a committed Socialist. And what does this have to do with virus breakouts you may ask? Simply put, it’s against her deeper inner convictions to completely close borders, or stop immigration/refugees from entering our country, even temporarily. Fundamentally it’s against her ideological convictions, which is to build a controlled Socialist society with an unmeasured multi-cultural mishmash of all peoples as a One World Government, economy and social class. Mock this or throw it away as irrelevant to the Covid issue at our own peril. But this is what is causing the team of 5 million to suffer, and more lengthy Level 4 shutdowns will be on the way. In fact, if this Delta variant gets worse (last year I predicted an airborne Covid-variant was only a matter of time) they will create an almost unbearable Level 5 and the Socialist society will be unleashed in its fullness upon us.

Her zero-tolerance policy toward Covid-19 and now Delta means her team of 5 million have had to suffer the job threatening, mental-health-inducing Level 4 lockdowns, which may well go on right through till Christmas. The trouble spot for all our new break out cases has been the border and quarantine facilities. The only way we are getting flare-ups of the virus is through the borders, escapees or outside contacts with those in quarantine.

The answer is stricter border controls and selective air travel only. But Jacinda can’t and won’t shut the borders as I have explained why. Especially when Australia began its terror run with Delta, New Zealand should have been quickly closed shop! This Government are now still chasing their tail trying to figure out how they welcomed the Delta-variant to get into our country from Australia.

We have allowed over 166,291 people to fly into NZ since Covid began in 2020, into our MIQ centres, with many of them infected. Not to mention any quarantine-free travellers from Australia. During this time we’ve brought a total of 1,782 infected international passengers and crew into our country who had contracted COVID-19 overseas or during the journey. These infected guests have been the source of community cases in New Zealand, putting everyday Kiwis at risk. One planeload recently arriving had 10 people from India who were infected. Why did we allow this knowing the Delta variant originated in India?

On top of that refugees and immigrants, special projects, rich people and sporting fixtures have all gained entry, some have even dodged quarantine.

Amidst the recent Australian outbreak last month the NZ Government granted the Wallabies team an ‘economic exemption’ to enter this country with quarantine-free travel, based on the argument that a rugby test match generates up to $20 million in spending.

Were you also aware that our Government with their globalist agenda currently give exemptions to diplomatic and consular officials so they do not need to enter our managed isolation centres upon arrival in New Zealand?

It was also no surprise when Jacinda allowed a Covid-infected patient from Fiji to be flown to New Zealand for hospital treatment despite an earlier decision to decline the transfer, due to the patient being a high-profile World Health Organisation staffer. This was to curry favour with the United Nations who made the special request.

Note the Google co-founder who has brought his way into New Zealand this year, gaining residency during Covid border lockdowns under special ‘wealthy investor’ immigration rules, that saw a special exemption granted to his son from Fiji who required emergency medical assistance.

There are reports that people are trying to buy their way up to the front of queues for testing and vaccines. Bribery and desperation are now beginning. Mass job losses are looming, more businesses will close. Mental health, domestic violence and divorce rates will sky-rocket. Families will have to deal with hysteria, fear and panic as more and more cases appear across South Auckland and the country.

It had been mostly luck as to how well New Zealand had originally faired with Covid-19 due to our remote location as a country, with the gift of our maritime borders. Yet the warning signs were there that this Government was grossly incompetent and ill-equipped to keep Covid-19 out right from the outset, yet the public still voted them back into power. We now see Labour’s lucky streak dramatically crash with this latest Delta variant outbreak, but what will their incompetence ultimately cost us, the New Zealand public, in the long run?

I will say that the message of hope that Christ offers is so needful in this time. I know too, that this Government will restrict mass gatherings to further target ‘The Church’ to shut our doors for a long, long, time, in an effort to try silence us. The big question is, how long does New Zealand want to put up with the contradictions, cover-ups, lies and incompetence of this Labour government.

My opinion is...”Your time is up Jacinda!”

1 Comment

Aug 26, 2021

Awesome Word Apostle - clearly placed facts that spell out the situation perfectly. NZ ignore these facts at our peril!

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