27TH MARCH 2024

“It’s time Gisborne enjoyed some Easter Roadway Art on their Mainstreet,” states Brian Tamaki, the leader of Destiny Churches International.
Last night, the Gisborne District Council Mayor, Rehette Stoltz, moved quickly to repaint the ‘Rainbow Crossing’ on the mainstreet of Gisborne, after Destiny Church members had painted it white the day before in protest.
“I’ve never seen a council take action so quickly. If only potholes and roads that quick. There are needs in Gisborne that are far greater to which the Gisborne Mayor has made no movement. You can’t tell me that a rainbow crossing is the most urgent matter to be attended to,” states Brian Tamaki.
“I question the priorities of these councils? The Drag Queens storytimes in libraries, and now the rainbow pedestrian crossings highlight a greater problem...our councils have been hijacked by the trans/gay/drag movement.”
Yesterday, the Hastings Mayor also quickly produced a professional video to explain why they were cancelling the Hastings Library Drag Queen events.
“It’s almost comical really...we’ve never seen these councils move with such speed. Which shows that they can move quickly when they really care to.”
“We’ve got to clean up our by by city. Ratepayers do not want to be paying for all of this Rainbow-washing. That includes Drag Queen storytimes, Rainbow Crossings, Rainbow street flags, Rainbows on police cars and more.”
“Gisborne ratepayers are expecting an 11.4% rate increase this year...I’m sure in the midst of a Cost of Living crisis they’d appreciate the Gisborne District Council cutting out all of this frivolous spending – it is not a necessity.”
“Coco Flash said today that the councils are still going to pay them for the cancelled Drag Queen Storytime events in Rotorua and Hastings. For the Hastings Council that’s $1,200 of ratepayers money. Gisborne has paid $600. Locals have every right to be upset. This misappropriation of ratepayer funds is rife across our councils.”
“All of this madness has to stop and we are stopping it right now.”
Today at 4pm, Brian Tamaki’s team will be taking further protest action in Gisborne at the rainbow crossing on the mainstreet.
“We will be installing our own version of Easter roadway art, free of charge to the ratepayers, over the top of the rainbow crossing.”
“It’s about time the real meaning of Easter was acknowledged and celebrated across our cities. Let’s start in Gisborne...the first city to see the first light,” Tamaki states.
“It’s clear NZTA is bullied and buckled by the woke rainbow movement.”
The original OIA released between NZTA and Wellington City Council reveals the illegal nature of rainbow crossings, including the safety issues for vision-impaired or colour-blind pedestrians. At the time NZTA were telling WCC it was illegal to install a rainbow crossing and they were going to have to get the Police to step in and stop them, but WCC went ahead anyway without NZTA permission, and NZTA showed no follow-through.
According to a statement obtained today from NZTA, they have more recently updated their rules and ‘roadway art’ can now only be installed if it:
does not resemble and is not similar to a marking described in the rule, and
does not mislead road users about the meaning of any ‘traffic control device’.
A pedestrian (zebra) crossing is a ‘traffic control device.’
Gisborne Mayor Rehette Stoltz has never once this week referred to this rainbow crossing as ‘roadway art.’ Multiple times in her press releases and interviews she has referred to it as a ‘rainbow crossing.’
“Even the Gisborne Mayor is confused as to what this rainbow crossing is. Her very wording implies that she believes it is a rainbow pedestrian ‘crossing’.”
“The rainbow crossing in Gisborne is misleading as to whether it is, or isn’t a pedestrian crossing. This makes it illegal by NZTA standards. When I was recently in Gisborne and I came upon this rainbow crossing, I even turned to one of the locals and asked, am I allowed to cross here or not? It causes great confusion for pedestrians and drivers. And if grown adults are confused, how much worse is it for our children?”
“We must protect our children. This has gone too far, and our country is drowning under the Rainbow influence.”
Brian Tamaki is calling for:
All councils to be taken to task by ratepayers over their rainbow expenditure
A ban on all Drag Queens in public places, including libraries and schools
A ban on all Rainbow Movement paraphernalia, including rainbow crossings, rainbow street flags, rainbow flags on government properties, and rainbow artwork on police cars (the NZ flag should be flown instead)
NZTA to be investigated and taken to task over whether they have appropriately applied the NZ Road Safety Rules in relation to rainbow crossings, and whether NZTA have taken appropriate and timely action against all councils who have broken these rules (ie. Wellington City Council and Gisborne District Council)