Rethink the Pink. Black-Out Pink Shirt Day!
16TH MAY 2024
“Rethink the pink this Friday! Pink Shirt Day is just a fundraising front for the shocking InsideOUT organisation,” states Brian Tamaki the leader of Destiny Church.
“InsideOUT is one of the main organisations in our schools, trying to sexualise our kids.”
“Groups like InsideOUT intentionally target our younger, up-and-coming generations to force a new distorted norm upon society. They are attempting to weaponise our young people right under our noses, in our schools.”
“No decent Kiwi should support Pink Shirt Day. It’s got nothing to do with bullying, it’s got everything to do with pushing gender ideology onto our innocent kids.”
Pink Shirt Day has attracted a lot of recent controversy with its focus primarily on ‘homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.’
On their website they state the 2023 Pink Shirt Day raised funds of $1,014,568. All of this money went to the Mental Health Foundation. They report “the funds raised on Pink Shirt Day helped fund InsideOUT to deliver 35 rainbow-inclusive workshops to schools around the motu between February 2022 and June 2023, and we provided over 173,000 free resources to schools and workplaces to educate them on the impact of bullying...”
So why should parents be on the Look-out for InsideOUT?
InsideOUT is a radical group of trans activists
InsideOUT pushes transgenderism on Kiwi Kids
Funded by the NZ Government (In 2022 $879,417), including NZTA, MOE
Funded by local councils, including Wellington City Council
Invited into NZ schools to speak to kids and they actively undermine parents’ authority
Confuse Kiwi kids and ask them to question their gender
Sexualising/grooming children from the age of 5 yrs old onwards
Hide from parents what they are teaching Kiwi kids
Provide ‘legal rights at school’ information for rainbow students
Provide InsideOUT school coordinators in schools to support rainbow youth
Provide professional development for school teachers
Producers of sexuality teaching resources for schools with the funding and support of the Ministry of Education
MOE states InsideOUT is the Ministry’s main community Rainbow stakeholder, as the staff at InsideOUT are ‘subject matter experts on Rainbow-specific matters’.
Creators of rainbow-inclusive school policies and procedures for school boards
Run queer-straight transition groups in schools
Provide gender transition support plans for kids in school
Run the School Pride Weeks in June each year across a lot of NZ primary & secondary schools
Shaneel Lal is a part of the InsideOUT of the biggest bullies around (ie. Posie Parker protest). This militant trans activist sits on the Schools Pride Youth Week Advisory Group.
InsideOUT runs national hui for rainbow, takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and intersex young people aged 15-20.
Promote puberty blockers as a reversible and benign alternative to puberty in RSE guidelines.
Reject and run down international studies like the Cass Review in the UK about gender-affirming care
Promote ‘Out on the Shelves’, a list of books with rainbow themes and characters, and is a month long awareness campaign held in June.
Provide promotional material in schools such as the following:
They provide a range of shocking rainbow resources for schools to use...
Tamaki cautions parents, “The content in these books in our schools will SHOCK parents.”
Here’s just a sample of content in “Join this Chariot – Christian Schools supporting rainbow students’ wellbeing.” They want biblical stories to be retold like this:
“Jonathan and David were in a committed relationship that may have been sexual.
Jonathan warned David that he was in danger from King Saul (Jonathan’s father),
because Jonathan ‘took great delight in’ David. ‘Then Jonathan made a covenant
with David, because he loved him as his own soul’ (1 Samuel 18:3). When David and
Jonathan have to part for safety reasons, they kiss, ‘they kissed one another, and
wept one with another, until David exceeded’ (1 Samuel 20:41, KJV). The word here
translated as ‘exceeded’ literally means ‘become large’, i.e. David had an erection.
Many modern translations have hidden this, instead saying ‘they kissed each other,
and wept with each other; David wept the more’ (NRSV).”
“But it gets worse. InsideOUT are actively recruiting Rainbow Activists in our schools and universities.”
They run workshops for young Rainbow Activists
They have a manual called ‘Activating our Values’ – their Young Activists Project
They ran the political voting campaign ‘Grow The Vote – Show up for Rainbow Whanau’
They ran a national campaign demanding ‘better dedicated funding for schools to add gender neutral bathrooms’
They actively promote hate towards organisations like Destiny Church
They endorse, promote and turn up in support of Pro-Palestinian protests
They lobby the government continually on every issue, with many left-leaning politicians involved in their activities (particularly from the Green Party)
“Pink Shirt Day is just another arm of the politicised rainbow movement in New Zealand, that promotes a victim mentality. Just check out the content on their website and socials. Pink Shirt Day regularly posts political/activism posts as well.”
“Pink Shirt Day organisers will lie and tell you this is a globally recognised day. The truth is, it’s only celebrated in Canada and New Zealand.”
Tamaki finishes by saying, “Many NZ schools are holding a Mufti Day fundraiser this Friday. I encourage parents not to let their kids participate. Keep your child home and tell the school why. Definitely do not be fooled into making a donation. Many workplaces are also holding fundraisers for Pink Shirt Day. For adults, if your workplace or uni is participating, be bold, and wear black in protest this Friday.”
“Rethink the Pink – Black-Out Pink Shirt Day!”
“We also call on this government and councils to immediately Defund InsideOUT – it’s full of radical trans activists.”