THE MODERN-DAY LYNCH MOB..... New Zealand Media

4th March 2021
Apostle Brian Tamaki
Yesterday, was a major blight on our nation that supposedly takes pride in being fair and just. I legally did nothing wrong by travelling to Rotorua prior to the lockdown? So why have the lynch mob come out in full force?
Anyone is legally allowed to leave Auckland before it enters lockdown just so long as they leave before the curfew starts. I, like 9,200 other cars, chose to exercise this option based on work travel plans I already had in motion.
As many know, I am a community leader who cares greatly for people from all walks of life, and I lead the largest indigenous (Māori/Polynesian) church and movement in Australasia with over 40 years of credible ministry work, evidenced by the countless irrefutable lives that have been changed for the better. Therefore, I was considered about my actions on Saturday night. We operate a COVID-19 testing station in our church carpark, so I’ve had my own COVID-19 tests that have returned negative. I also was not displaying any signs of flu-like symptoms. Therefore, I believe I acted responsibly.
So, why are myself and Hannah the only ones singled out of the 9,200 cars that left Auckland, and vilified and publicly defamed across all of the national media outlets? If our media did not have the intelligence to work out that I did nothing legally wrong, then isolating and targeting Hannah and myself to unbelievable public degradation reveals the pure hatred spilling out of these journalists that can only be described as a modern-day lynching.
We’ve spoken to other professionals, high-profile individuals and pastors, who also travelled out of Auckland prior to the lockdown, and they can not believe how again, it is only us that are set upon.
This has been a clear ‘Act of Hate’ driven by pure jealousy from within the New Zealand media. They are intent on trying to cancel my influence within this nation because I continually challenge their agenda and take them to task. They relentlessly attempt to control a biased untrue narrative towards Hannah and I, as they strive to silence my voice.
Also, we must not forget that the Labour government are a part of this mob. It is rich of the Minister of Health, MP Chris Hipkins, to say the Tamakis were ‘completely irresponsible’ when his own cabinet colleague kept behaving like it was COVID normal even after the lockdown announcement on Saturday night. Hipkins also allowed 650 university students to fly from Auckland to Dunedin in the last lockdown two weeks ago. This reveals the hypocrisy at the highest levels.
Nobody in society deserves to be publicly ridiculed like this. It is equivalent to the historic lynchings of African Americans when they were hung from trees for public display by the Klu Klux Klan.
Here are a few quotes from my personal friend Bernice King (Martin Luther King Jnr’s daughter) that she tweets today.
· “There is no form of protest against racism that is acceptable to racists”
· “Racism is about power. Power wants power. So the strategy has to put pressure on power. As my father said, “Our nettlesome task is to discover how to organise our strength into compelling power so that the government [and other power constructs] cannot elude our demands”
The media in this country is not regulated, and its time someone took them to task.
They are continually breaching The Human Rights Act 1993, the NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi).
It’s time to say again ‘Enough is Enough’, and I will be seeking to take legal action against the discriminating and defamatory statements published by these individuals:
· Matthew Theunissen, Radio New Zealand
· Lane Nichols, NZ Herald
· One News
· Vita Molyneux, NewsHub
· Barry Soper, NZ Herald
· Danielle Clent, Stuff
· Mitchell Redmen, NewsHub
· Daisy Hudson, Otago Daily Times
· Mike Hosking, NewsTalk ZB
· And any other reporters that come to light
It is unjust to use a public platform to vilify someone because you are at odds with their ideology. Imagine the public uproar if these same media articles were written about someone from the Muslim community, or the LGBTQIA community, or the Liberal-Left community. There is clearly religious and racial discrimination as far as the Tamakis and Destiny Church are concerned.
This type of discrimination and defamation has many repercussions to not only ourselves but more importantly the community we work with. These journalists knew this full-well as they went about execution, It’s ultimately not myself they are truly hurting (as it’s water off a ducks back to me), but they are attempting to hurt the people in my church who are mostly of a certain race. I’m already aware of one of our Destiny Church members being told by their workplace this week that if they continue to associate with Destiny Church, their employment is in jeopardy.
Jacinda’s ‘Be Kind’ mantra seems to apply to everyone else except South Aucklanders, Destiny Church, myself and Hannah.
I will not sit back quietly and allow the ‘cancel culture to try and cancel me out!
Tune in to my preaching live THIS SUNDAY @ 10am
My message: The Degradation and Degeneration of an unregulated NZ media
“The evil re-culturing of the collective mindsets of unsuspecting New Zealanders”
Watch Heather du Plessis-Allan’s video here: