Chaos in the Capital
21ST MARCH 2024

Brian Tamaki has spoken up strongly this morning stating, “I Call for the Mayor of Wellington, Tory Whanau, to resign immediately if the Wellington Council does not cancel the investigations into broadcasting of Islamic Prayer Calls that they passed last week. The 11 Councillors who voted for this need to also publicly apologise.”
Brian Tamaki states, “This is not Mecca…this is New Zealand. We consider this an insult to the honour of our WW2 Soldiers who died fighting in Gallipoli, against Muslim soldiers, to protect our Christian country from invasion.”
Heker Robertson, Deputy Leader of Vision NZ and Destiny Church Pastor from Upper Hutt says many Wellington residents have had enough of Tory Whanau’s Council’s incompetence and embarrassing antics. He states, “We will Protest at the Council Premises and call on Wellingtonians to Stand Up to the Chaos in the Capital.”
Last week the Wellington Council passed an amendment snuck through by mayor Tory Whanau without any warning, at the last minute in a District Plan meeting. The amendment states “Whanau also wants changes to allow broadcasted calls to prayer to be played from loudspeakers on mosques and other religious buildings.”
This was passed with a vote of 11:6. The vote was conducted in such a cunning manner, that at least two councillors have publicly said they didn’t realise they voted ‘Yes’ towards this amendment.
This follows Tory Whanau’s pursuit of Wellington becoming a sister city with Ramallah (an Islamic Palestinian city), a city controlled by Fatah-Islamic terrorists.
Brian Tamaki goes on to say, “We are reclaiming our country back to the New Zealand we once were.”
Tamaki’s statements come fresh on the heels of closing down the Rotorua Drag Queens children’s storytelling event that was planned for today in their local library.
Tamaki says, “We gave the Rotorua City Council a warning and they heeded the people of Rotorua.”
“We are going to get our country back again from this craziness and social breakdown in our Kiwi families.”
Tamaki says, “Town by Town, City by City if we have to…we are focussing on cleaning up our streets and removing this filth. The Drag Queens in Gisborne are next on 25 March 2024, then Hastings on 27 March 2024. I’m calling on the people of those towns to ‘Stand Up’ and Let’s Make NZ…well…NZ Again!”