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Destiny Church calls for Christchurch Clean-Up


Friday 3rd May 2024

Brian Tamaki

As Christchurch & Tauranga city councils consider installing rainbow crossings, Brian Tamaki and his Destiny Church say “No way, not one more rainbow crossing!”


“Rainbow crossings are another form of rainbow-washing that targets future generations. We’ve had enough,” states Brian Tamaki ahead of speaking in Christchurch both Sunday and Monday nights this weekend.


“It goes even deeper. Not only are locals opposed to a rainbow crossing, but Christchurch also has a lot to answer for in the peddling of puberty blockers amongst Kiwi kids.”


“In Christchurch, many are we have our own Kiwi version of Tavistock operating?” asks Tamaki.


“Christchurch is due for a clean-up, and I’m just the man to roll up my sleeves and get it done,” claims Tamaki.


When asked about the underlying motive for all of his protest actions to date, Tamaki replies “Ultimately we are taking a stand because we want to protect the innocence of our childre